How to Communicate Impact through your Website

Communicating impact is key to gaining support and building trust with your audience. A website is a powerful tool to showcase your impact and engage with your community. So it's super important to know how to effectively communicate to viewers through your website.

Here's some of our best tips to improve your website's long-term impact:


Image source credit: Nadezhda Moryak; Client Website: Kutoa Project


1. Use Strong Visuals

Visuals can be a powerful way to tell your story and communicate the impact of your organization. Whether you’re selling a product, service, or promoting a cause, use high-quality images and videos to show the faces and stories behind your work. Infographics and data visualizations can also help to communicate complex information in a compelling way.


2. Tell Your Story

Your website should tell the story of your organization and the impact you are making super clearly. Use storytelling techniques to engage your audience and make an emotional connection. Share personal anecdotes and success stories to demonstrate the impact of your work. Storytelling is also more than just text on paper, but visuals and video to support.


3. Provide Evidence

Backing up your impact claims with evidence is essential to building trust with your audience. Use statistics, case studies, and testimonials to show the tangible results of your work. Make sure to cite your sources and provide links to any additional information. We’re in the age of misinformation, and even if YOU know that what you’re saying is valid, not everyone else will.


Image source credit: Hatice Baran

4. Highlight Your Mission

Your mission is the driving force behind everything you do. Let people know WHY they should care about your business. Make sure to prominently display your mission statement on your website and explain how your work or product aligns with your mission. This will help to reinforce the importance of the impact you are making and give people a reason to buy. Read this previous post on how to make people fall in love with your mission.

5. Make it Easy to Connect

Finally, don't forget to make it easy for your audience to support your work. Include prominent social media links, contact forms or links, buy buttons or donation buttons throughout your website. Make it as simple and streamlined as possible!


Your website should tell the story of your organization and the impact you are making super clearly.


Remember — your website is a powerful tool for communicating impact and engaging with your community. By using visuals, storytelling, evidence, highlighting your mission, and making it easy to donate, you can effectively showcase the impact of your organization and inspire support for your work.


We’d love to help you design a website that makes an impact!

Let us help tell your story in the most thoughtful and strategic way. Fill out an inquiry form or hit reply to send us an email so we can start the conversations. We know you have a story to tell and lives to touch, let us help you get there.


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